Instructor: Elizabeth Hollister Rogers, J.D.
Office Hours: TBD (and by appointment)
Place: DC 316
Time: Mondays 4:00–5:00
Course Description: Capstone course for Business Majors that builds on the work initiated during BUS 390, 493, and 494. This is a self-directed and self-paced course. Faculty input is limited to guidance, advice, and input as you finalize your papers.
Credit Hours: This is a two-credit-hour directed study course involving approximately 10 hours of class time and about 65 hours of time outside of class for a total of 75 hours in and out of class. This is a total of about 7.5 hours each week over the ten week term. In general, plan on spending about 6.5 hours of time outside of class for every hour in class.
Moodle/E-mail: All students in this course are expected to register for Moodle. Students are responsible for what is posted on Moodle. Students are expected to check their Bryn Athyn College email regularly (at least once daily).
- Teacher: Elizabeth Rogers