- Teacher: Sean Lawing

German 102 is the second term of introductory German that develops the four language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) in a cultural context with a focus on spoken German.
- Teacher: Sean Lawing
¡Bienvenido(a) Español 101 is an introductory course for students with little or no previous
experience with Spanish. In Spanish 101, you will begin to develop your speaking, listening,
reading, and writing skills as well as start to explore the richness and diversity of
Spanish-speaking cultures. The material includes vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure
that are directly related to the students’ daily lives. At the beginning the course is conducted
75% in Spanish and 25% in English, progressing to 100% Spanish by the end of the second week
(or earlier) so students become accustomed to hearing and decoding the target language.
- Teacher: Danalice Pacheco Lucena